Newbury Town Council are pleased to confirm that following a successful re tender exercise a new 3-year Grounds Maintenance Contract has been awarded to John O’Conner (Grounds Maintenance) Ltd.
The contract, the single largest awarded by the Council, covers all of the Town Council’s green spaces, playgrounds and cemeteries including services such as grass and hedge cutting, weeding and litter picking in areas owned and managed by the Town Council from 7 January 2023. John O’Conner is a family firm and a very experienced Grounds Maintenance Contractor managing many Public Authority sites.
Cllr Sarah Slack, Chair of the Council’s Community Services Committee said, “Our existing contract was coming to an end and it’s important to us that we receive the best value for money and expertise for the residents of Newbury. We are delighted to have appointed John O’Conner following an in-depth tender process and service review”.
She continued, “We’re looking forward to working with John O’Conner to ensure we receive the high-quality service for Newbury residents that they expect and deserve.”
Matthew O’Conner, Managing Director of John O’Conner Grounds Maintenance, added “We are delighted to have been given this exciting opportunity to work with Newbury Town Council to manage their much-loved open spaces.’’
“We see it as a real privilege to work alongside the Council to maintain and improve the green spaces and are looking forward to working with local community groups to ensure that each and every green space meets the aspirations of its users.’’
Cllr Sarah Slack, Chair Community Services Committee 07970 790808
Hugh Peacocke, CEO, Newbury Town Council 01635 780202

Matthew O’Conner (Managing Director John O’Conner), James Heasman, NTC Parks & Open Space Supervisor, Paul Fairchild, NTC Operations Officer and David Watts (John O’Conner) Supervisor.

l- r back row: David Ingram, NTC Community Services Manager, Martin Perry (John O’Conner), James Heasman, NTC Parks & Open Spaces Supervisor, Hugh Peacocke, NTC CEO, John Messenger (John O’Conner)
l-r front row: Cllr Jon Gage, Chair NTC Green Spaces Working Group, Matthew O’Conner (Managing Director John O’Conner) & The Mayor of Newbury, Cllr Gary Norman