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Cllr Andy Moore OBE was elected as the Mayor of Newbury on Sunday 12th May 2024.

The Mayor's charity that he has chosen to support during his year is West Berks Foodbank

The Mayor is supported by his Lady Mayoress, Sheila Moore.

The Deputy Mayor of Newbury is Cllr David Harman.

The Mayor's Chaplain is Revd. Will Hunter Smart.

The Mayor's Cadets are Cpl Milla Brereton and Sgt Thomas Frewing.

Contact the Mayor's Office

If you have occasion to contact The Mayor of Newbury, perhaps to invite them to attend / officiate at an event you are holding, or for some other reason, the Mayor may be contacted as follows:

By Post: Mayor of Newbury, Mayor’s Parlour, Town Hall, Market Place, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 5AA

Tel: 07538 334 106

E-mail: mayor@newbury.gov.uk

Mayoral Engagements

Below is a list of upcoming Mayoral Engagements:

Tuesday 21st January 2025
St Nicolas Church Hall, Newbury
Newbury Friends Together Meeting

Thursday 23rd January 2025
Town Hall, Newbury
Friends of Newtown Road Cemetery Play

Monday 27th January 2025
West Berkshire Council Offices, Newbury
Holocaust Memorial Day

Friday 31st January 2025
DWH site office off Lambourne Road, Newbury
David Wilson Homes Visit

Saturday 8th February 2025
Newbury Twin Town Association Coffee Morning
Council Chamber

Newbury Twin Town Association AGM
Council Chamber

Thursday 13th February 2025
Trinity School, Newbury
House AD&T Competition

Saturday 15th February 2025
St George's Hall, Wash Common
Fundraising Barn Dance - West Berks Foodbank

Mayor's Fundraising Events

Saturday 15th February 2025
St George's Hall, Wash Common
Fundraising Barn Dance - West Berks Foodbank

Coffee AM Graphic
Bingo Night Graphic
Coffee AM Graphic OCT

Role of the Mayor

The Mayor, apart from members of the Royal Family or the Lord Lieutenant of Berkshire who represents them, takes precedence over all persons in the town. The Mayor is the first citizen of Newbury and represents the Council, all political groups and the people of Newbury. The Mayor is a Public Relations Officer for the town and must be non-political at all times during their term of office. The Mayor, by virtue of the office, also presides at the meetings of the Council where it is their duty to keep order, control the conduct of debate and carry out the procedures outlined in the Council’s Standing Orders.

In addition to chairing the full Council meetings held in the Council Chamber every two months, the Mayor will:

- Open events held in the town and extend a Civic Welcome

- Host various functions and Civic Receptions

- Support sports people of the town (visit or start events, present prizes, etc)

- Open various events (school fetes, new businesses, etc)

- Attend a wide variety of events (Open Days, school/college presentations, Annual General Meetings, Dinners, neighbouring Civic Events, etc)

- Visit many townspeople to celebrate special occasions (e.g. 100th birthdays, etc)

The Mayor also fundraises for charity throughout their Mayoral year – for the Mayor’s Benevolent Fund and a charity of their choice.

Donation to the Mayor’s charities are always much appreciated. A Deputy Mayor is also elected.

Role of the Mayoress / Mayor’s Consort

After being elected by their fellow Councillors to the role, an incoming Mayor may appoint a Mayoress or Consort to accompany them whilst attending functions and events during the course of their year in office and assist them when organising receptions and charity fundraising events.

Role of the Mayor’s Chaplain

The Mayor’s Chaplain, chosen by the incoming Mayor after their appointment, looks after the Mayor’s spiritual needs, assisting and officiating during the Mayor’s Civic Service and often at other services during the course of the year in office. The Mayor’s Chaplain occasionally accompanies the Mayor to functions when appropriate.

Role of the Mayor’s Cadet

The Mayor’s Cadet, chosen by the incoming Mayor after their appointment, supports the Mayor in attending formal duties within the town as well as supporting the Mayor's charity events. The Mayor's Cadet is selected by the Mayor from one of Newbury's uniformed services youth groups and should be an outstanding young person who has demonstrated strong commitment, dedication and leadership within their group, being a role model to young people in Newbury.

Town Mayor Reports