The Town Council owns and maintains the open space at Hutton Close comprising an area of around 2.6 acres. We would like your opinion on the use of the open space going forward and how it could be improved.
Newbury Town Council is working with Newbury BID to hold this year’s Victorian Christmas Fayre on Saturday 3rd December and Sunday 4th December. This follows on from the success of last year’s event and promises to be even bigger and better.
Cllr Gary Norman, Mayor of Newbury, is inviting teams of up to 6 people to put their knowledge to the test by taking part in a ‘Mayor’s Quiz & Curry Night’ on Friday 23rd September at The Chequers Hotel in Newbury starting at 7pm.
Newbury Town Council is asking residents to help to save children’s playgrounds around the town. Vandals continue to maliciously damage the equipment or deface with graffiti, often leaving it in a dangerous condition.
The West Berks Indoor Bowls Club held a charity day on Saturday 16th July in aid of Speakability, a stroke-survivors’ support group, and one of the Mayor of Newbury’s official charities for the year.
Newbury Town Council is pleased to announce the unveiling of its sixteenth blue plaque, to the Rev. James Bicheno who was Baptist Minister of Newbury 1780-1807, and a leading Newbury campaigner against the trade in slaves from Africa to the West Indies
Newbury Town Council has resolved to request that all new developments in Newbury include a 13 cm hole in the bottom of a fence that allows hedgehogs to move freely between gardens